Close Up Radio Spotlights Talented Clinician Mandi Freger

CUTV Interview Mandi Freger

Pittsburgh, PA – Mandi Freger is a highly sought-after licensed professional counselor and behavioral specialist focused on a comprehensive range of Energy Psychology (EP) techniques. Mandi believes she is distinct from anyone else in her field because she has used the techniques she advocates for client self-care to stay strong and thrive in a field that can […]

Listen to the 24 episodes of “The Energy of Autism” on BBM

Energy of Autism Radio Show

Listen to the 24 episodes of “The Energy of Autism” on BBM Welcome to The Energy Of Autism. The Energy of Autism series is designed to promote education and awareness of therapeutic interventions, behavioral in nature, for autism spectrum disorders including the interrelationship between consciousness, executive functioning processes, and overt behaviors in persons diagnosed with […]